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Home blog Using Manga as a Tool for Stress Relief. A Guide for Learners

Using Manga as a Tool for Stress Relief. A Guide for Learners

In our realities, stress and anxiety have unfortunately become constant companions of many people. The reasons are known. Information overload. A barrage of often negative news. Global cataclysms, etc. Therefore, it has become crucial for us to know how to find effective ways to overcome this anxiety. After all, if anxiety lingers, stress is inevitable. In addition to the above reasons for anxiety and stress, students also have the factor of intensive study. Therefore, it is also extremely important for them to learn how to overcome these. One way is to read Japanese comics, which provide a great opportunity for relaxation. These comics are called Manga. Due to its variety of genres and styles, it allows you to plunge into the world of fantasy and get real pleasure. But does it help reduce stress?

Reading helps reduce stress. How?

When we talk about reading for stress relief, it is important to understand that reading itself has a positive impact on the psychological state. Mindful reading reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. This leads to general relaxation. Reading Мanga, the reader is distracted from real problems, immersed in a fictional world. A world where you can find solace. This is especially true for those who systematically face significant work and study loads.

Students often face a lot of stress due to numerous assignments, exams, and deadlines. And all at the same time.

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This service will not only make life easier, but also contribute to the overall well-being of the student, which in turn will have a positive impact on the learning process.

Manga as a tool for stress relief

Why is it?

Manga differs from traditional literature in its unique structure and artistic style. It offers the reader an immersive visual and literary experience. In it, text and images work together to create a special atmosphere. Thanks to this, the reader can more easily immerse themselves in the story and forget about everyday worries. Reading Мanga has an effect on quick reading stress relief, due to the fact that it is easily digestible and its storylines are usually easy to understand.

Types of manga that promote relaxation

Manga has different genres. From romantic stories to adventure and fantasy.

  • Comedy manga is used to make you laugh and improve your mood
  • The slice of life genre shows everyday life that can be close and understandable to everyone.

Reading both genres promotes a sense of calm and relaxation. This is because they allow you to focus on the simple joys of life.

Manga as therapy

For many people, reading manga becomes a way to overcome anxiety and other mental problems. In Japan, there are even special Мanga therapies. Patients are advised to read certain types of manga to improve their mental state. Among them:

  • Iyashikei
  • Slice of Life
  • Shoujo and Josei
  • Shounen and Seinen

Thus, manga has become a powerful tool in the fight against stress and other negative emotions.

How to integrate Manga reading into everyday life

Plan your reading time

To gain the most out of reading, make time to do it. It’s the same with Manga. Make time for it in your daily schedule. Make it part of the night’s ritual before going to bed to unwind after a long day. It’s vital to note that even a brief reading session can have a major impact on reading and stress, so set aside a few minutes each day for this good practice.

Use of Manga in group therapy

Discussing narratives and protagonists with others can help relieve tension while also improving social skills and communication. This technique is especially beneficial for teenagers and young adults who want to express their emotions and get support from others who share their interests.


As you can see, Manga can be a great way to relieve anxiety, tension, and stress. It is useful for people of all ages and with different interests. Students are no exception. Reading Manga can help you escape from everyday life and find inner peace. The main thing is to choose a genre that not only appeals to you, but also helps you feel that necessary state of calm and relaxation or joy.

David Santana

Author of a blog about the benefits of reading and its impact on the psychological state in our information-saturated time. David writes essays on psychological and social topics. He studies the mental development of students around the world.

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